Best to worst legendary heroes castle clash plus#
plus with wicked armor and dragon cover his shield is useless.Īnd like you said, these are just our opinions. he used to be a dungeon strat but there are way easier methods to clearing dungeons now. no, I'm not saying anyone should go pouring resources into building them up, but if you did (like myself) you'd find that they're actually pretty decent for what they are and how old they are.ĪC won't move. as far as other heroes in the list, there may be some that can be moved but heroes like demo and skeletica are still pretty strong. while that is a niche use, they're not great so I bumped them down. maybe arch demon.īoa and trixie could maybe go to niche but they're really only used in arch demon. crystal wraith is useful in line of defense but you won't really use him anywhere else. Tusk Shield Rarity: Legendary Tier: A Role: Melee Excels at: Leading any type of unit Overview: Thusk Shield can take on all kinds of enemies, thanks to. storm eater used to be useful in some modes but he's highly outclassed everywhere by other heroes and teams now. he just doesn't stack up against other heroes. Occultist is not worth using when walla exists.

sasquatch is very strong as well! built with something like sacred light and regen he's a strong self-sufficient hero that deals a lot of damage, debuffs and self heals. So I have been wondering, besides Dyna, are any other epic hero’s worth it I currently have most legendary heroes double evoed but only 1 epic hero. two procs and every troop is gone with the added benefit of not giving energy to enemy heroes like zeph does. What epic heroes are worth it ( self.CastleClash) submitted 2 years ago by TristanStassen. anubis is a fantastic alternative to zeph for raids. she's still squishier than some of the other heroes on my team but with the right composition she's very helpful. Queen wasp I actually built up to bt30 and high level relic and she's a great support hero and holds her own pretty well. I see him all the time and use him all the time. he is fantastic for guild wars, blitz or any raid. bt30, relic 30+, and a strong defensive build. bogeyman can clap a bunch of heroes with his proc. I don't see him as much now, but a few months ago I was seeing him fairly often.

Rosaleen could maybe go down a tier but creation is still quite strong on defense as his proc hits through stealth.

I see them quite a lot, even in top 100 of blitz. Michael and athene are today's heroes again.